Archive for December, 2010

It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane… No, It’s An Actual Post!

IT LIVVEESSSS!!!! Holy hell Batman, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything. Those of you who read my other blog Idle Banter, know that the lack of updates is due to work and just pure laziness. Those of you, who don’t read that blog, well now you know.

So over a month ago, I was supposed to write about my experience at the “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear.” However, seeing as that was a month ago, everything has been said that could possibly be said about it. I will say that it was a great time and everyone who I met was friendly. The crowd was huge and yet I really saw no major problems. I am really glad that I went and I would go again in a heartbeat.

What else happened while I was away? I had Thanksgiving dinner at Cracker Barrel. That was an experience. It was not my choice of Thanksgiving; however, we were up visiting my grandmother. She decided this year she wanted us to visit and wanted to go out for Thanksgiving. This meant she didn’t have to cook or clean up. Which is fine and dandy, we usually help her out anyway so it was nice not to have to prepare a big meal. The only drawback to this was going to Cracker Barrel. Out of all the places that were serving dinner, I am not sure why this is the one that was chosen. Probably familiarity and the prices were low. The meal itself wasn’t bad; however, it just didn’t feel like Thanksgiving for some reason.

The next day was a little more like Thanksgiving in my book. My godfathers came over and brought leftover turkey. Dad and I cooked up some side dishes and we had a nice afternoon meal. I know Thanksgiving is about family and friends but I think that it is also the process that I like too. Like last night, when I was up at our friend Jack’s house helping decorate his house for Christmas. A bunch of friends were over to help with decorating and dinner and just to have a good time. There was music on the radio, good wine, and a lovely meal. The whole package just made it a great event. This is probably why dinner at Cracker Barrel just didn’t say “Thanksgiving” to me. Just my opinion though.

Not much else has happened over the period in which this blog has been silent. During the Thanksgiving holiday, I got to see and spend time with my friend Matt who was up from Texas. Also got to meet his girlfriend and now fiancée Katie, she was wonderful and it makes me wonder what she is doing with him. (I’m kidding Matt, although not much you can do from Texas. So Ha!) Although, I have to say they make a great pair. Hopefully she keeps him in line.

Spending time with them got me thinking though. They met each other online and this is something that I have thought about trying. My only problems are 1) The good ones cost money and I don’t have a lot right now and 2) I am just chicken shit when it comes to stuff like this. I was never good at the bar scene and I have never been great about meeting people online. How I’ve had girlfriends in the past in beyond me. Somehow, I’ve managed to get a few girls to think I am cute and funny. HAHAHA fooled them. Well at least with the cute part anyway.

Anyway, back to my main point, internet dating sites. This seems to be the new things these days, and why not. With things like Facebook, Twitter and other social network sites, it only makes sense that dating sites have taken off. I am sure most of us spend more time in front of the computer than we would like to admit. This often leaves little time for going out and “finding someone.” Also, like I said before I am a huge chicken when it comes to stuff like this. It is the whole starting the conversation with a girl who I am interested in. (Really am not sure how I managed it the last few times.) You would think that doing something online would be easier. WRONG! I know that most of the sites “match” you up fairly well, but for some reason it still scares me. Once I know someone, I have no problem talking with them and getting to know them it is that initial first move that I have never been great at.

I would love to get back in the game, seeing how my last relationship ended almost 2 years ago. However, how do you explain to someone that the last year hasn’t exactly been the best year of your life and that you had to move back in with your parents, didn’t finish your master’s degree and can’t find a full time job. Not something you bring up when you are meeting someone, but not exactly something you can leave out. Life is getting better though, so hoping after the holiday to join or even try this that I’ve seen. That only leaves me with the problem of trying to figure out a username. Blah, why does it all have to be so complicated?

So yeah, that’s what has been going on since this blog went quiet. I am hoping to get back into the swing of things and post more often than once every couple of months. We’ll see how that goes. I might even try to get a short story going. I was inspired by my friend Matt over at The Loquacious Coyote, who recently completed NaNoWriMo by writing 50,249 in a month. Very impressive! So one of my new goals is to write a bit and see where it takes me.

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